Marketing Resource Management often involves multiple stakeholders and decision making units. What role do they play and what is their part and contribution? How they benefit from MRM?

It is vital to chart the different business and marketing processes and how this affects the people involved.


The people involved in a MRM project (vendor selection and role out of a system) are part of the Decision Making Unit: Procurement, Marketing, Brand Management, Finance, Executive Management, Project Management, Sales, Design.


How does MRM affect departments, roles within a DMU? How can it contribute in their daily activities and responsibilities? What opportunities are around the corner to make their lives easier?


As a Chief Executive you are thinking about your Top-line growth, Customer satisfaction and loyalty, Competition, Profitability etc. You want to get more done faster – with fewer resources, be more effective in marketing, improve conversion rates, revenue, and align the business.

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Marketing & Communications Executive

Marketing Resource Management often involves multiple stakeholders and decision making units. What role do they play and what is their part and contribution? How they benefit from MRM?

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CIO or IT Executive

IT and marketing often play the blame game. IT has a lot of on its plate. From cloud computing, process automation, infrastructure etc. Marketing Automation is usually not a priority. Marketers and IT professionals not often speak the same 'language' which makes it challening to communicate. Then again: IT is often brought in at the last minute

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Finance and Procurement Executives

Sustainable and Profitable growth, Operating and Capital expenses, Return on Investment, Risk Management. Those are the things that concern financial and procurement executives.

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